Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Writing Sample

Riley Pavelich
Writing Sample
Adv. Comp.
24 August 2007

Once, far before man, there was just the sun. For many years there was just the sun. The sun had a lively soul and being alone didn't suit him, so he formed the planets. His favorite planet was Earth by far, so he decide to bestow her with a gift. Out of his rays of light he formed the first man. Man was created in the suns own image. These beings never slept or felt weariness. Because these people were incessant they soon became an exceedingly advanced civilization, far further than we have come. This society became so intoxicated by their own success that they set out to live on, and improve, other planets. Sun disapproved of his creatures ventures because he didn't want his gift to Earth to leave her. In an angry rage, he smote all the advanced beings and spared only those who had stayed with Earth. Only the deformed or stupid survived. Sun felt he had to punish even those he had left. That is why Sun hides from us part of every day. Without his warm glow we are forced to rest. Our civilization is evolving much slower than those before us because we are forced to submit to sleep. Plus, our ancestors were the really dumb ones.

1 comment:

Will Tunis said...

cool idea its creative