Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Bog Queen

1. Who is speaking?
In "Bog Queen" the speaker is a dead bog body.

2. What characterizes the speaker? What is the speaker like?
The most important characteristic is that the speaker is dead. I also think the speaker was royalty because it was wearing a diadem.

3. To whom is he or she speaking?
I think the speaker was talking to its family or just to itself.

4. What is the speaker's emotional state?
The speaker sounds a little traumatized and quite sad.

5. Why is he or she speaking?
The bog body is speaking to relieve it's gloom, or maybe just to end the silence of the bog.

6. What situation is being described?
The situation is that this old bog body was found by a person digging peat.

7. What are the conflicts or tensions in this situation?
One conflict is this person digging her up has cut into her. Another conflict is that the bog body was mistreated before she died.

8. How is the setting--social situation, physical place, and time--important to the speaker?
I think the social setting is important to the story because at the time this woman died, throwing sacrificial victims or criminals into the bog was customary.

9. What ideas does the speaker communicate?
The speaker seems to me not to enjoy being dead. Another idea I got from the story was that this person was so undesirable when they died, a cast off. but when the body was re-dug thousands of years later it was considered special and the utmost care was taken of it.


1. Who is speaking?
Death is speaking. Or maybe Antaeus himself, the giant that gained his strength from being in contact with the land.

2. What characterizes the speaker? What is the speaker like?
I think the speaker is evil and dark.

3. To whom is he or she speaking?
I think the speaker is addressing humanity.

4. What is the speaker's emotional state?
I don't think death can have an emotional state, but maybe proud and haughty.

5. Why is he or she speaking?
I think Death is speaking to warn hero's that Death cannot be defeated.

6. What situation is being described?
There isn't really a situation being described. The picture I get is a black clothed god sitting in a cave reflecting to himself.

7. What are the conflicts or tensions in this situation?
One of the major tensions, I think is Death telling all who have tried to escape him that he is inevitable.

8. How is the setting--social situation, physical place, and time--important to the speaker?
I think the speaker is sitting in a deep dark cave, which is important because darkness and dreariness personify death.

9. What ideas does the speaker communicate?
The speaker communicates that death is inevitable, and that try as we puny mortals might, we will never beat it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Poem Background

So Many Colors to Be

So Many Colors to Be

I am red
Bright, vivid, exciting red
I talk and I argue
I laugh and learn
I don’t just exist, I live
Passionate to a fault
I know where I’m going,
But no time for regrets
Like a red robin
I sing the song I was born to sing
Sometimes I am Purple
I open my eyes and see everything
How did the world get like this?
Did I cause it?
Everything is deep and dark
There is no clarity
Only shades of grey
I feel the need to pray
But I don’t give up on Humanity
Tomorrow is a new day

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Toliet Dilemma

Riley Pavelich
Advanced comp
19 November 2007

The Toilet Dilemma

Toilet seats were made to stay down. When some inconsiderate male leaves the seat up it requires extra time and effort by the next female that uses the pot to put it down. Plus we have to touch the disgusting, germ-ridden thing.

Some have said that the whole toilet seat situation is no big deal. Why should we care it the seat is up, it doesn’t hurt anyone? Wrong. What happens to the poor, unsuspecting woman who feels nature’s call in the middle of the night? I’ll tell you. It’s dark. She doesn’t turn on the light. She assumes the seat is down. She sits. She falls straight into the bowl. Her husband, incomparable jerk that he is, comes to see what all the noise is about. He finds her horrid predicament hilarious. She divorces the douche bag. Do you see the harm in it now?

Putting the seat down would irradiate this whole nasty business. If all males did this, they would suddenly find their significant others more loving and affectionate. With the current state of affairs it’s almost as if woman’s suffrage never happened. Putting the seat down is demeaning. Every time we do it we risk contracting syphilis, gonorrhea, and pink eye. If you males did this one little thing, it would bring us one step closer to equality.

So the next time one of you chauvinistic pigs leave it up, be reminded of what you do to us. We are exposed to diseases and have to waste our valuable time. I purpose that we round up every scumbag that has ever left the seat up and dip them in a pool of hydrochloric acid. Only then will our gender know true and lasting freedom.