Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Bog Queen

1. Who is speaking?
In "Bog Queen" the speaker is a dead bog body.

2. What characterizes the speaker? What is the speaker like?
The most important characteristic is that the speaker is dead. I also think the speaker was royalty because it was wearing a diadem.

3. To whom is he or she speaking?
I think the speaker was talking to its family or just to itself.

4. What is the speaker's emotional state?
The speaker sounds a little traumatized and quite sad.

5. Why is he or she speaking?
The bog body is speaking to relieve it's gloom, or maybe just to end the silence of the bog.

6. What situation is being described?
The situation is that this old bog body was found by a person digging peat.

7. What are the conflicts or tensions in this situation?
One conflict is this person digging her up has cut into her. Another conflict is that the bog body was mistreated before she died.

8. How is the setting--social situation, physical place, and time--important to the speaker?
I think the social setting is important to the story because at the time this woman died, throwing sacrificial victims or criminals into the bog was customary.

9. What ideas does the speaker communicate?
The speaker seems to me not to enjoy being dead. Another idea I got from the story was that this person was so undesirable when they died, a cast off. but when the body was re-dug thousands of years later it was considered special and the utmost care was taken of it.


1. Who is speaking?
Death is speaking. Or maybe Antaeus himself, the giant that gained his strength from being in contact with the land.

2. What characterizes the speaker? What is the speaker like?
I think the speaker is evil and dark.

3. To whom is he or she speaking?
I think the speaker is addressing humanity.

4. What is the speaker's emotional state?
I don't think death can have an emotional state, but maybe proud and haughty.

5. Why is he or she speaking?
I think Death is speaking to warn hero's that Death cannot be defeated.

6. What situation is being described?
There isn't really a situation being described. The picture I get is a black clothed god sitting in a cave reflecting to himself.

7. What are the conflicts or tensions in this situation?
One of the major tensions, I think is Death telling all who have tried to escape him that he is inevitable.

8. How is the setting--social situation, physical place, and time--important to the speaker?
I think the speaker is sitting in a deep dark cave, which is important because darkness and dreariness personify death.

9. What ideas does the speaker communicate?
The speaker communicates that death is inevitable, and that try as we puny mortals might, we will never beat it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Poem Background

So Many Colors to Be

So Many Colors to Be

I am red
Bright, vivid, exciting red
I talk and I argue
I laugh and learn
I don’t just exist, I live
Passionate to a fault
I know where I’m going,
But no time for regrets
Like a red robin
I sing the song I was born to sing
Sometimes I am Purple
I open my eyes and see everything
How did the world get like this?
Did I cause it?
Everything is deep and dark
There is no clarity
Only shades of grey
I feel the need to pray
But I don’t give up on Humanity
Tomorrow is a new day

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Toliet Dilemma

Riley Pavelich
Advanced comp
19 November 2007

The Toilet Dilemma

Toilet seats were made to stay down. When some inconsiderate male leaves the seat up it requires extra time and effort by the next female that uses the pot to put it down. Plus we have to touch the disgusting, germ-ridden thing.

Some have said that the whole toilet seat situation is no big deal. Why should we care it the seat is up, it doesn’t hurt anyone? Wrong. What happens to the poor, unsuspecting woman who feels nature’s call in the middle of the night? I’ll tell you. It’s dark. She doesn’t turn on the light. She assumes the seat is down. She sits. She falls straight into the bowl. Her husband, incomparable jerk that he is, comes to see what all the noise is about. He finds her horrid predicament hilarious. She divorces the douche bag. Do you see the harm in it now?

Putting the seat down would irradiate this whole nasty business. If all males did this, they would suddenly find their significant others more loving and affectionate. With the current state of affairs it’s almost as if woman’s suffrage never happened. Putting the seat down is demeaning. Every time we do it we risk contracting syphilis, gonorrhea, and pink eye. If you males did this one little thing, it would bring us one step closer to equality.

So the next time one of you chauvinistic pigs leave it up, be reminded of what you do to us. We are exposed to diseases and have to waste our valuable time. I purpose that we round up every scumbag that has ever left the seat up and dip them in a pool of hydrochloric acid. Only then will our gender know true and lasting freedom.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Short Story

Riley Pavelich
Short Story
Advanced Comp.
6 November 2007

The Bathroom Miracle

I woke up with a start from a good dream. The clock on my table read 5:30, so I snuggled back into bed to try to remember. I had been on one of those old school dating game shows, where there are three guys and the girl who gets to choose one of them. I was the girl, and the men from my dream all looked like the offspring of Brad Pitt, were deeply sensitive, and loved to clean. A perfect dream.

At a more reasonable hour I munched on my cornflakes and decided that my dream was an omen. Today was the day I was going to get a boyfriend. I dialed Jill and told her to meet me at the mall in an hour.

After a quick shower and seven different outfits, I was ready to go. My t-shirt covered my pudge but showed off my chest, and my thunder thighs were concealed in my favorite jeans. My face looked like a pepperoni pizza, but that’s something I’ve just learned to live with.

Jill was waiting for me at the entrance. I think she raided her grandma’s closet before she came. Her glasses were about an inch thick, and I kid you not, she had kittens on her sweater. No teenager in her right mind would wear kittens! But she’s such a sweetheart that it doesn’t even matter. We’ve been best friends since we were three.

“That’s a really nice sweater. Does your grandma mind that you’re wearing it?” I asked her.

Jill, ever oblivious, said, “It’s not Nana’s. It’s mine, but thanks.”

With that we walked into that teenage-hormone fest that is the mall. As I explained our mission to Jill, I was already busy scoping out prospects. We searched all afternoon, but it was a complete failure. Every guy we saw either had a girlfriend or was definitely not dating material. Eventually we gave up, but before we left we stopped at the food court to regain our strength.

Jill and I sat with our huge cinnamon rolls at a table near the center so we would have the best view. Two tables away a group of two guys sat down. They were both from my school, but I didn’t know much about them. One was a football jock and really cute; the other one with black hair was a good distance runner, and always got the lead in the school play. I was attempting to use all the tips I had ever gathered from 17 magazines to get John’s, the football jock’s, attention. I flicked my hair, licked my lips, and laughed loudly. He didn’t even notice. Jill of course was completely useless. “Why are you laughing so loud,” she asked me. “It’s really annoying.”

But then, just when I was about to give up, he looked over. He smiled at me and waved. I waved back. He motioned at me to come. I stood up eagerly and started to walk toward him. At that moment the head cheerleader rushed passed me and flew into John’s outstretched arms. They looked at me; I guess they thought it was weird that I was standing two feet away from them when they wanted to make out in peace. I pretended that I was going to get another cup of coffee.

Of course, I couldn’t walk away from the coffee place without anything to drink, but I had already spent my money on the cinnabon. I searched through my purse to try and find some extra change so I could salvage what little dignity I had left. My coffee was two dollars and all I had was thirty cents in pennies. I heard groans in the line behind me as the sales clerk started to count it out. But then, like some sort of knight in khaki pants, Mike, the runner, slapped two bucks on the counter.

I turned to thank him. He had thought I was moving away and had stepped closer to me. I head butted him right in the nose. He laid on the ground, groaning in pain, a pool of crimson blood accumulating on the floor. All sounds in the food court were silenced, even the crying baby in the corner. My cheeks reddened under the stares of the bystanders. I turned and ran.
My eyes were blurry with tears. I fled blindly into the bathroom and locked myself into a stall. The stench of disinfectant and Pinesol added to my misery. Thankfully there were no other women there. I sobbed and sobbed. I would never get a boyfriend. I was a clumsy, ugly ogre, whom everyone hated. After about five minutes of this I heard a tapping on the door. A man’s voice called out,

“Um... Excuse me miss. Can I help you?” Now insult had been added to injury. Not only had someone heard me pouring out my soul, but it was a guy. I tried to compose myself a little and opened the door.

Standing there in a janitor’s uniform and with mop in hand was that boy from my biology class. He looked as embarrassed as I felt. He stammered, “I, uh, was cleaning in here. Didn’t you see the sign on the door?” Of course I hadn’t. I had been a little more concerned about other recent catastrophes at the time. I just shook my head.

“Well, are you okay?” he asked with genuine concern. He was just so nice about it that my whole story came tumbling out. He winced at all the right places, and he told me that he was on the track team with Mike and that Mike’s nose bled all the time. I felt a lot better.
Then he started to blush and haltingly inquired, “Well, this might be the wrong time to ask, but what are you doing Saturday?”

By Riley Pavelich

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Baldy Article

Junior High Sports

Both Volleyball and Football are underway for the Junior High kids. There have been some changes in the coaching staff, but it appears to be working out well.

The Volleyball Girls, all eleven of them, are being coached this year by Marley Meredith. She lives and works in Plains. This is her first time coaching, but it looks like she’s doing a great job. The girls, including Rachel Gravely, Shaelle King, Alyssa Foster, Kelsie Rogers, Erin Schmiedbauer, Mackenzie McCoy, Meara and Laurel Schmiedbaur, Alex Green, Amanda Woods, and Rosa Dolson, have a 3-1 record as of yet.

“I’m seeing improvement every day,” say Coach Meredith.

The Footballers are also doing well.
Assistant Coach Clairmont says that “They’re a lot of fun to coach. They’re like sponges, the soak everything up.”

There are 29 kids on the team. Hot Springs is represented by Drew Payne, Matt Holman, Dylan Skellenger, Michael Gray, Elyjah Yagong-Weber, and Wyatt Nagy. They are coached by Thom Chisholm.

Come out and see the kids play! Everyone is having a lot of fun this year!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Top Ten Vocab...

1. Debacle-A complete Failure
Her cake was an utter debacle after she forgot to add the sugar and burned it to a crisp.

2. Bestial- Savage, brutal
The bestial coach made his team run until every one of them puked.

3. Ephemeral-Short lived
Her ephemeral crush on Brad Pitt disappeared once she saw him in Troy.

4. Deviate- To stray from a course
Sometimes when you deviate from your training routine, the best results are attained.

5. Perspicacity- Keenness of judgement
I wanted to buy the car, but my perspicacity told me to ask for a better price.

6. Enervate- To weaken
His constant apologies enervated my resolve to stay angry at him forever.

7. Pedestrian-Ordinary
He dressed in pedestrian clothing to avoid being noticed by his adoring fans.

8. Diaphanous- Sheer, light
The diaphanous look of the cloth identified it as expensive.

9. Parochial- Local, narrow
The small towns only restaurant offered only a parochial range in it's cuisine.

10. Carrion- Dead flesh
The carrion on the dessert highway let off a terrible stench.

Cliche Poster

Old Cliches Revisited

Don't Rock the Boat- Don't Hit an Iceberg

Easier Said than Done- Easier to Plan a Heist than get the Jewels

Food for Thought- Cerebral Veggies

In a Nutshell- In a Picture Book

Raining Cats and Dogs- Someone Build an Ark

Grin and Bear it- Pretend you Don't Have a Wedgie

Flat as a Pancake- Flat as Week Old Soda

In the Nick of Time- One Infinitesimal Second Before Disaster Struck

Better Late than Never- Better to Receive a five dollar check from your great grandma seven months after your birthday than nothing

Writers Moment:Review of Essay

I like my essay. I thought doing the research and incorporating my findings into the essay was a valuable experience. There were some things I would like to change, but overall I am pleased. I thought that it was a little too structured and stiff for my tastes, and it followed a very strict formula. But when you write in a different style than your own you improve.

Persuasive Essay

Riley Pavelich
Persuasive Essay
Advanced Comp.
9 September 2007
Abortion: Bestial or Indispensable?

I do not think anyone has ever said, “Killing babies is right.” That is because it is not. But being wrong and being necessary are two different things. Although it may be morally wrong to kill an unborn child, it might be the only option for some women. Some issues to consider are, the horror of self-inflicted or inadequate abortions, the financial strain of raising a child and the unreasonable demands unaborted babies would place on foster care systems.

If you are willing to stick a wire clothes hanger into your body to be rid of your child, I am sure the issues of legality will not stop you from doing it. It has been estimated that before abortion was legal, as many as 5,000 women died because of poorly preformed abortions. If doctors are not allowed to do it, there will always be someone less skilled willing. If the women are determined to have it done they should get the proper care. Thousands of women died as a direct result of outlawing abortion.

What kinds of women get abortions? Many think the answer to that question is selfish women who do not want the baby because it would reflect poorly on them. However, 48.2% of women who get abortions have family incomes of less than $29,999 per year, and 64.4% are never married women. For a single parent living in the west, it takes an average of $187,408 to raise a kid. That is from birth to age 18. That does not even include college. For the babies’ first year, it’s estimated to cost $7,568. I do not need to tell you that that is quite a big chunk of cash for someone who makes less than 30 thousand a year.

Many people think that all unwanted babies should go to foster care or adoption agencies. I personally would like to see that happen, but it is not realistic. If all the aborted babies were born, there wouldn’t be enough room or funding in foster care to take care of them all. In the U.S., there are 1.37 million legal abortions per year. Worldwide there are 46 million. There are not enough people that want children to adopt all these kids, and I am not even factoring in all the illegal abortions, which is estimated to be about 20 million. Even if there were enough people willing to adopt children, what about the ones with birth defects? The adoption rates for mentally disabled children are not high.

Please do not think that I support abortion. It might not be the right option, but it needs to stay an option. Without abortion how many mothers would be dead, how would the babies be financially taken care of, how many kids would flounder in adoption agencies? The consequences are too much to risk. So even if you would never get one, do not condemn those who do.

Writing Sample

Riley Pavelich
Writing Sample
Adv. Comp.
24 August 2007

Once, far before man, there was just the sun. For many years there was just the sun. The sun had a lively soul and being alone didn't suit him, so he formed the planets. His favorite planet was Earth by far, so he decide to bestow her with a gift. Out of his rays of light he formed the first man. Man was created in the suns own image. These beings never slept or felt weariness. Because these people were incessant they soon became an exceedingly advanced civilization, far further than we have come. This society became so intoxicated by their own success that they set out to live on, and improve, other planets. Sun disapproved of his creatures ventures because he didn't want his gift to Earth to leave her. In an angry rage, he smote all the advanced beings and spared only those who had stayed with Earth. Only the deformed or stupid survived. Sun felt he had to punish even those he had left. That is why Sun hides from us part of every day. Without his warm glow we are forced to rest. Our civilization is evolving much slower than those before us because we are forced to submit to sleep. Plus, our ancestors were the really dumb ones.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Writers Moment

Two Weaknesses:Poor Spelling, don't take criticism well.
Two Strengths: Good vocabulary, good ideas.
I want to write alot in this class to see if I have the talent or the inclination to make it a career choice. It'd be nice to develop my vocab and learn how to develop ideas better.

Freewrite: Persuasive Essay

What do I want to write about. Oh, I guess more money for education. To me this seems like a no brainer. I mean, Why not? We'd get a better work force and a better economy. where would the money come from? I don't know. The army. Iraq. How much money have we poured in there? Billions and billions. I don't think anyone besides georgebush wants to be there still. So, a billion dollars. Pay teachers better or get better books. but better books don't necccesarily mean better students. I think better teachers do I'm out of Ideas. nicer desks. with cushions on the seats. actually i think that would be a completely ridiculous expense, but it would be nice to have. Yay school. its so nice to be able to come to a place where the main focus is to learn. that's pretty cheesy. sometimes i just accidentally go really cheesy on myself. Now I'm envisioning a person covered with the nacho cheese they serve at the games. ewe. it's yummy cheese, though. probably horrible for you. Now I'm completely off subject I don't even know how I got to nacho cheese. but now I'm making myself hungry. what do I want for lunch? nothing that the school is serving. that's an area that could be improved in school. I mean, I don't think you think the best when your loaded down with greasy dehydrated food.and alot of the time the salad bar is nice. i wish we didn't have ice berg lettuce. no one would eat if it was just health food, but maybe if the cooks actually cooked the food as opposed to defrosting it, it might make a difference. there wouldn't be all those gross, but actually delicious, preservatives. that movie super size me grossed me out alot. and something like percent of Americans are obese. How is that possible? You're in the minority if you're healthy. it's sad.i never want to be like that, but then again I don't want to be a freak and never let myself have ice cream or an extra serving of dinner. But it does scare me. I think I'm about free wrote out. i have no more thoughts. my head is an empty vessel. my neck itches. hahahah. not really funny, just fact. can humans get fleas. do you have to be really dirty or something? have you ever seen those hidden camera hotel busts where they reveal all the gross things .